Kevin Richards On The Road - Myrtle Beach Country Line Dance Fan Fest - Meet Rob Holley, Gina Davis & Terry Coleman
Kevin Richards has been hosting Country Line Dance events all over the Country since 1992, from Nashville to Florida- Las Vegas to Hampton Beach- International Country Line Dance Cruises and more! In 2024 and 2025, Kevin continues hosting and producing more and more Line Dance events all over the Northeast and beyond, with the next big event scheduled for Myrtle Beach Nov 22-23, 2024! The Myrtle Beach event, billed as a 'Friendsgiving Country Line Dance Fan Fest' will bring some great talent to the stage, uniting and celebrating Country Line Dancers from everywhere- with a focus on social Line Dancing to Country Music for all ages and abilities.
Rob Holley
Bear, DE
Bio: Rob is from Bear, Delaware and has been country line dancing since 2006. He's been teaching locally since 2012. He's also taught at national events such as ‘Ft Wayne Dance for All', the ‘Florida Dance Classic’ & ‘Fun in The Sun’ in Orlando, ‘Heart of Texas’ in Dallas, the ‘Motor City Dance Classic’ in Detroit and at Worlds in Nashville. He started choreographing in early 2016 and has won numerous choreography awards, including 2019 & 2020 UCWDC World Champion for Country Int/Adv, 2023 World Dance Masters Country Int with his dance "I See Perfection", 2024 World Dance Masters Country Beg with his dance "One Beer", and was the runner up in the 2018-19 USLDCC championship with his dance "Get Drunk Get Loud."
Popular dances choreographed: What Makes You Country, Get Drunk Get Loud, I'm on a Roll, VHS, The Fighter, Blacked Out
Impact: I would say that the line dance community has made the world feel smaller and my friendship circle grow larger.
First-timer encouragement: I would let them know that line dancing builds confidence, delays old age and creates lifelong friendships.
Gina Davis
Conway, SC
Bio: A Dancer & Instructor at heart, but I am on Copperknob when I collaborated with a young dancer for her first choreography to the dance: Ain't No Count. I have been teaching for 3 years now and love it more everyday. My passion is helping others, the more folks on the floor, although squishy, makes my heart happy. I coordinate Flashmob events for the line dancers in the Myrtle Beach area for locals and extended dance family members. I feel very blessed with my Beaches, Boots and Besties line dance family. Let's Dance!
--'Country Line Dance Fans' and 'Country Line Dance Fan Fest' was established to celebrate and spotlight the good and positive effect Line Dancing has made on countless lives. How has Country Line Dancing impacted your world in a positive way?
Line dancing benefits your Mind, Body and Soul! It keeps your brain and memory active, fun way to keep physically active and you will feel uplifted with all the love and support when you are part of a line dance family community. Line Dancing was life changing for me, and I have created strong long lasting friendships- with people who understand when you run to the dance floor in mid-conversation cause the song to your favorite dance just started.
Terry Coleman
Hardeeville, SC
Bio: From flips to fancy feet! Terry Coleman has a lifelong love of movement. From childhood gymnastics to high school cheerleading and the pom pom squad. Her passion for fitness continued with Jazzercise classes. She nurtured a younger generation's love of movement for 13 years, teaching gymnastics and running her own mobile business for a decade. In 2011, line dancing at the YMCA sparked a new rhythm. Life took her on some moves of its own, but upon settling in Latitude Margaritaville Hilton Head in 2019, the rhythm re-emerged. Her infectious enthusiasm for the few line dances she knew caught the eye of the lifestyle director, who offered her to teach line dance as a fitness class. Terry’s program blossomed. Today, she now leads a thriving group, L'Atitude Line Dancin', with eight weekly classes and a monthly dance. Their motto, "If we couldn't Dance, we would all go insane!” is proudly displayed on their shirts as they showcase their moves at the Fitness Expo, Pirate Fest, parades, flash mobs and even a special “Line Dance Cruise”! When not line dancing, Terry enjoys paddle boarding, kayaking, and exploring the neighborhood on her bike and scooter.
Popular dances choreographed: Take Me To Tennessee, Margaritaville
--'Country Line Dance Fans' and 'Country Line Dance Fan Fest' was established to celebrate and spotlight the good and positive effect Line Dancing has made on countless lives. How has Country Line Dancing impacted your world in a positive way?
It has been great meeting new people including instructors and choreographers who have the same passion for line dancing. My own line dance group, L’Atitude Line Dancin’, feels like family. It has boosted my confidence seeing my students learn dances and perform. Also along the way, I have become a better line dancer. Line dancing keeps me active and is a lot of fun.
--What would you say to encourage someone to try Country Line Dancing for the first time?
Line dancing is great exercise for the body and mind. It’s a great way to meet new people and have fun. When first learning, I like to say, just fake it until you make it.
Hana Ries & Mary Lacoste are also scheduled to make an appearance at the 'Friendsgiving' Country Line Dance Fan Fest Nov. 22-23, 2024- at the Robert Reed Recreation Center in Myrtle Beach, SC.
In addition to the 'Friendsgiving' Country Line Dance event in Myrtle Beach, and several more Country events Kevin Richards has booked up and down the East coast, over 100 Country Line Dance Fans have already registered for the annual Country Line Dance Fans 'Come Dance With Me' Caribbean Country Cruise Feb. 24-March 1, 2025! This floating dance paradise features the Yallternative Dance Troupe, Terry Coleman's Latitude Margaritaville Dancers, Kevin Richards' Country Kickers with Mark Petrie and Cheryl Howe- and International Country Line Dance Recording Artist Nancy Hays. (Click here for cruise info).