From Nashville to Myrtle Beach- Country Line Dancing Is Everywhere!
I've been hosting Country Line Dance Lessons and Country Line Dance Parties for over 30 years, and I'm so happy to see so many NEW people and places packed with Line Dancers from Nashville to Myrtle Beach, and beyond. People often assume Line Dancing is big in Nashville, and thanks to Michelle Jackson-White's 'Nashville Line Dancing', larger crowds than ever are packing the floor (reminiscent of the 90's Wildhorse Saloon scene). While I travel and host Country Line Dance events from Maine to Florida, I discover more and more Country Line Dance 'Hot Spots'.
Myrtle Beach, SC seems to be one of the most active Country Line Dance communities currently boasting classes, workshops and events all year. Line Dance promoter and teacher, Gina Davis, is dancing all over the Myrtle Beach area recruiting newbies, hosting events for experienced dancers- and even organizing Line Dance flash mobs to showcase the fun of Line Dancing to the general public. Pamela Foote, Donna Statt, and Cheryl Bingham are some of the areas premier line dance instructors, Bingham is also host of The Pine Peaks Line Dance event in Colorado. Other Myrtle Beach Line Dance Events include Hana Ries' annual 'Dance In The Sand' in the Fall, A Line Dancers Spring Break is hosted in April, and Dancing For The Dream is held every February, with numerous Line Dance Classes and Events scheduled throughout the year.
New to Myrtle Beach this year is the Country Line Dance Fan Fast in November! The fest is a Mega Line Dance Party to celebrate and re-unite Country Line Dance Fans for a big 'Friendsgiving' to kick-off the holiday season, with a focus on Social Country Line Dancing to Country Music, for all levels. The 2024 Country Line Dance Fest will feature Myrtle Beach favorites Hana Ries and Gina Davis- with guest Rob Holley (Delaware) and Terry Lane Coleman (Latitude Margaritaville Hilton Head). For information on The Myrtle Beach Country Line Dance Fan Fest, Cilck Here.
Although this was a feature on Country Line Dancing in Myrtle Beach, we realize Country Line Dancing is popular all over the USA. Please feel free to email kevin@kevinrichards.com to tell us about some of your favorite spots. For our friends in the Northeast, remember to check out Dan and Kelly Albro at Mishnock Barn. We salute their incredible and influential accomplishments in the Country Line Dancing world.
A big shout-out to all local instructors, from around the USA, introducing people to Line Dancing- from senior centers, to bars, churches, dance halls and conventions. We welcome YOU to the wonderful world of Country Line Dancing- Click Here for steps, music, events and more info on Country Line Dancing.