Froggy 100.3 First Flame Giveaway
Froggy 100.3 and First Flame Fireplaces on Corinth Road in Queensbury are teaming up to give you a TON of wood pellets to heat up your home!
You could be our next winner! Fill out the form below completely and you’ll be in the monthly running to win One Ton of Wood Pellets from First Flame Fireplaces, a $350 value. In order to qualify, you must be a homeowner, aged 18 or older, and have a wood pellet stove in your home for heating.
Winners are chosen every month among the entries received and will be announced during the Froggy Morning Show with Mark The Shark.
RULES: Homeowners, 18+, Heat with Wood Pellets. 1 winner will be chosen at Random from all qualified online entries. The prize is as described, no exchanges, no cash value, non-transferrable. One Ton bag of Wood Pellets from First Flame Fireplaces 475 Corinth Road in Queensbury, NY 12804.